The FDA’s Proposal for a Unified Human Foods Program

by | Aug 23, 2023 | Food, Regulatory

Yesterday the FDA completed its next major step in creating a unified Human Foods Program (HFP) by naming its first Deputy Commissioner, Jim Jones.[1] The proposed HFP will bring together the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), the Office of Food Policy and Response (OFPR), and certain functions of the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), which includes Human Foods Compliance, Human & Animal Food Labs, and State, Local, and International food partnerships. So what exactly is included with the FDA’s proposal for a unified human foods program, and why should the industry pay attention?

The unified HFP is not only the FDA’s next major milestone in food safety, but also the next step in reorganizing the ORA. Other ORA functions not included in the HFP will be absorbed by the Center for Veterinary Medicine, CDER, CBER, and CDRH. This new model for the ORA will allow it to focus primarily on inspections, investigations, and imports.[2]

Ever since FSMA was signed into law in 2011, there hasn’t been another major reform for food safety; the HFP is looking to change that.[3] Coupled with the massive reorganization of the ORA, which will end up being the largest re-org in FDA history, the HFP is aiming to modernize and streamline the way the FDA governs both human and animal food products.

Industry can certainly expect more major updates to come regarding the HFP and ORA re-organization, especially now that there is a Deputy Commissioner tapped to lead the charge.

The regulatory landscaping is constantly evolving, make sure that you partner with a firm that has the expertise to guide you through it. Contact the FSMA and regulatory experts at EMMA International today to learn more about how we can help! Give us a call at 248-987-4497 or email 24/7.

[1] FDA (August 2023) FDA Names First Deputy Commissioner for Proposed, Unified Human Foods Program retrieved on 08/23/2023 from:

[2] J. Eglovitch (August 2023) FDA updates on proposed foods reorganization, shifting some of ORA’s functions retrieved on 08/23/2023 from:,-shif

[3] FDA (July 2023) Food Safety Modernization Act and Animal Food retrieved on 08/23/2023 from:,Obama%20on%20January%204%2C%202011.

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