March 30 is celebrated every year as National Doctors Day. This day is in honor of the physicians who devote their lives and careers to caring for the health and well-being of their fellow citizens. At EMMA International we can attest to how important the healthcare systems and physicians we work with are to protecting and promoting public health. Whether it is through clinical trials or feedback on drugs and medical devices, physicians are the backbone of this country’s health.
The first National Doctors Day dates all the way back to March 30, 1933. Nearly 60 years later, in 1990, legislation was formally introduced to establish National Doctors Day.1 Over 30 years later, we are still celebrating the day annually in recognition of the selfless acts of physicians across the country. This year, nearly one year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, this day is especially poignant.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors were part of the fearless group of first defenders. On any given day you could see stories on the news about doctors and physicians working countless hours caring for COVID-19 patients, often without ample PPE and in over-crowded hospitals with not enough resources. Day in and day out doctors all over the country put their own personal health, both physical and mental, aside to care for the patients that needed it the most.
Additionally, physicians and doctors were involved with the research and clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines. It is due to their hard work along with the world’s leading scientists and manufacturers that we are starting to finally see light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. Although we still have quite a bit to go before COVID-19 is fully behind us, one thing for certain is that this country’s doctors will continue to work hard to protect this nation’s health every day.
At EMMA International we are grateful for all the doctors we have worked with for various clinical trials and drug/device development projects. If you know a doctor or physician, make sure you extend your gratitude to them today. EMMA International is the leading management consulting firm for all quality, regulatory, and compliance needs. We provide full-circle life-science product consulting, from R&D to post-market activities. Call 248-987-4497 or email to find out more!
1National Doctors Day (n.d.) retrieved on 03/28/2021 from: